

… maintaining a non-anxious, non-troubled, non-perturbed presence in the face of a storm.


A Peaceful Ride into Jerusalem. (John 12:12-19)

Peace is not necessarily the absence of chaos, fear and, troubles, but the capacity to be stable and maintain non-anxious, non-troubled, non-perturbed presence in the face of a storm. Knowing that God is in control despite the storm is one of the hallmarks of a peaceful personality.

Jesus was adjudged fully man and fully God. He was fully aware of His mission on earth, including His eventual gruesome death. He was aware that Judas would betray Him, and that Peter would deny Him. He knew He would be lied against by the Pharisees and Sadducees, handed over to the authorities, wrongfully convicted, and sentenced to a shameful death. Despite His prior knowledge of all this heart wrenching information, Jesus still rode on a donkey into Jerusalem, less than a week before all these would unfold.

Why in the world would Jesus ride into Jerusalem with all sense of calmness just a few days to His death, despite his prior knowledge of it? Why wasn’t he mad at Judas, for planning His betrayal, or heavily disappointed in Peter for his impending denial of Him, his friend? How did He remain calm and collected, when He knew the same people shouting “Hosanna”, spreading palm fonts and clothes on the floor would shout “crucify Him” on Friday? It baffles me how Jesus didn’t break down knowing his own very death was imminent. That is what I call peace, maintaining non-anxious, non-troubled, non-perturbed presence in the face of a storm.

Personal Goals

Live by Philippians 4:6: 

a.     Be anxious for nothing 

b.     In everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Culled from my book “How Do You Respond?