True Worshippers

Behold I stand at the door and knock…. Rev 3:20

I started singing in the choir since I was about six years old. I composed my first song when I was about seven years of age, had my first recording studio experience at nine. I also started gathering young people in our neighborhood to preach to them since I was that young. A good singer; and excellent, eloquent speaker I was, but I did not know Christ. 

I was passionately involved with church programmes but had a very big void in my heart. I was busy for a God about whom I knew little or nothing, the God who, though knew me from the foundations of the earth, could not access me, unless I gave Him a space. I was always afraid that if I died, or rapture came, I would go to hell. I lived in guilt, struggled with sexual sin in my bed at night, felt dirty when I stood in church to sing until I stopped covering up and genuinely surrendered my life to Jesus. 

True worshippers are those whose lives are perpetually sold out to Jesus, who hate nothing but sin, and fear no one but God. 

The reality of heaven and hell is not an exaggeration. That everyone would die some day is not a threat, but a reality. Do you genuinely mind stop playing church and tell Jesus you are set to get very serious with Him. If you are set to live this higher life of worship in reality, say this prayer with me, and then you'll be recruited! 

Dear Jesus, I believe you came and died and resurrected for me. I believe you are the only answer for my troubled, searching, hurting heart. I have played church for too long and I am tired. Please, take me as I am and wash me with your blood. Give me a new heart that pants after holiness and righteousness and remove the heart of sin from me. From now on, I submit my life, will, emotion and future to you. Take me and control me forever. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

If you said that prayer or you need further help and counselling, please don’t hesitate to contact me on my details below. I love you.

Culled from  More Than Just a Song   Eben Alonge


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